Infographic 2025

Need for acceleration and causes of delay

The 9th edition of the infographic ‘Energy in Numbers 2025’ is being released in a year in which the energy transition is in full swing and the urgency for the transition is noticeable to everyone. This is why the infographic not only focuses on the important facts and figures about the energy system, but also on the need for acceleration and causes of delay.

The infographic shows, among other things, which energy sources are used in the Netherlands, what their origin is and how much CO2-emissions they cause. We also see the status of the growth of renewable energy and what the sources of heat and electricity are.

On the back, among other things, the global CO2-emissions, the remaining carbon budget and the costs resulting from extreme weather show the need for acceleration of the transition. Important causes of delay include the lead times of energy projects and a comparison of the electricity costs for large consumers in different countries.

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