Home About EBN Partnerships and projects

Partnerships and projects

Partnerships are very important if we are to make a success of the energy transition. At EBN we assume the roles of both connector and driving force. For that reason we bring public and private parties together. In this way, EBN provides the link in the energy transition.

  • Afbeelding van een platform in de zee met zonsondergang Afbeelding van een platform in de zee met zonsondergang


    Nexstep was established for the reuse and dismantling of old oil platforms in the North Sea. Nexstep is an initiative of EBN and ElementNL. The Nexstep organization is investigating possibilities to responsibly dismantle or reuse platforms, wells and pipelines

    More on the Nexstep website
  • Foto van project SCAN Foto van project SCAN


    In order to determine the potential of geothermal heat in the deep underground, specifically in places that haven't been surveyed for this purpose previously, EBN and TNO carry out a project on behalf of the Ministry of Climate Policy and Green Growth: SCAN (Seismic Campaign Geothermal Heat Netherlands).

    More on the SCAN website.
  • Geothermie Delft

    Aardyn, Shell Geothermal Energy, TU Delft and EBN develop an unique geothermal energy project on the campus of the largest Dutch technical university. Besides providing sustainable heat to the area, the wells are part of a on-going scientific research project.

    More on the project website.
  • Overzichtskaar van Porthos Overzichtskaar van Porthos


    Together with the Port of Rotterdam and Gasunie, we are taking concrete steps in the Rotterdam port area towards CO2 transport and storage in depleted gas fields under the North Sea bed. We do this together under the name Porthos CO2 transport & storage.

    More on the Porthos website
  • Illustratie landkaart NL waarin CO2 verzamelpunt op land, platform op zee en lege gasvelden 2-4 km diep worden uitgelicht Illustratie landkaart NL waarin CO2 verzamelpunt op land, platform op zee en lege gasvelden 2-4 km diep worden uitgelicht


    In collaboration with TotalEnergies, Shell and Gasunie, EBN is developing a project for large-scale transport and storage of CO₂ for industry: project Aramis.

    More on the Aramis website
  • Inspire

    In 2019, EBN started the Inspire project together with the industry. Inspire's goal is to reduce operational costs through intensive cooperation between the various operators. In this way, the initiators want to contribute to continuing to enable gas extraction from the North Sea.

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