Financial reports
See our full financial statements in the EBN annual report, in which we also provide information about our investments in joint ventures and holdings.
Financing and credit rating
EBN has excellent access to the capital market to meet its ongoing financing needs. EBN also has a very strong liquidity position. Should a short-term financing requirement arise, EBN has easy access to the money market through a rolling €2 billion commercial paper programme. EBN also has a committed long-term credit facility of €300 million with reputable, creditworthy banks.
Based on its strong Moody’s credit rating, EBN has excellent access to the capital and money markets.
Credit rating
Moody’s: Aaa/P-1, stable
Latest update 22 February 2024
Risk & risk management
Events within and outside of EBN can pose a risk to our continuity or strategic goals. For each risk, we determine the likelihood of the risk occurring and the potential adverse impact on our operations should it occur. We take measures to preserve our company values and improve our performance. We are transparent about internal and external risks and we closely monitor their development.
This helps us to take corrective measures quickly, create and retain value, improve performance and comply with laws and regulations. We report the development of the key strategic risks to the Supervisory Board on a regular basis. We have included specific mitigating measures in the multi-year plans of our corporate departments and in our key focus areas, and management actively monitors the strategic risks.
What is REMIT?
Regulation (EU) No 1227/2012 on the wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (commonly known as ‘REMIT’) came into effect on 28 December 2011. This regulation prohibits insider dealing and market manipulation (market abuse) on the wholesale markets for electricity and gas.
What is the objective of REMIT?
The regulation aims to create a harmonised framework to ensure the transparency and integrity of the EU wholesale energy markets. Given how interconnected wholesale energy markets are, these are regulated at EU level. The wholesale energy markets are supervised by the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) together with the national regulators, in this case the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).
Who and what does REMIT apply to?
REMIT applies to ‘wholesale energy products’, including, but not limited to, contracts for the supply and transmission of electricity or natural gas traded or delivered within the European Union, and to the market participants who carry out such transactions. These market participants include producers, suppliers, traders and large customers, as well as system operators (TSOs, DSOs, LSOs and SSOs). In the Netherlands, market participants must: 1) register with ACM 2) report energy transactions to ACER and 3) disclose any inside information they hold.