Corporate governance
EBN places huge importance by good corporate governance. For this reason, EBN voluntarily applies the principles and best practice provisions of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (where these are relevant to EBN). This means that EBN complies the government’s policy on state holdings and the Corporate Governance Code.
EBN subscribes to the principle that transparency towards stakeholders is fundamental. EBN also attaches great importance to transparency within its own organisation. The company has a code of conduct, a confidential counsellor, a complaints committee and a whistleblower scheme.
Appointment of EBN’s CEO and Supervisory Board members
The shareholder appoints the CEO of EBN and the members of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board selects a candidate for CEO and presents this to the shareholder. The shareholder appoints members of the Supervisory Board on the recommendation of the Supervisory Board. The shareholder appoints a Chair from among the members of the Supervisory Board.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is tasked with supervising the policy pursued by the Executive Team and the general course of affairs at EBN. It also advises the Executive Team where necessary and on request. In turn, the Executive Team provides the Supervisory Board with all necessary and relevant information for the Supervisory Board to optimally perform its tasks and responsibilities. EBN’s governing document states that the Executive Team requires the prior approval of the Supervisory Board for certain decisions.
CEO and the Executive Team
The CEO is the entire ‘board’ of EBN, though this person is assisted by two titular directors who, together with the CEO, form the Executive Team, with the CEO as Chair.
The CEO is responsible for the general policy and strategy, within the appropriate risk profile for the company. The CEO is also accountable for achieving the company’s targets, its results and the CSR aspects that are relevant to the company.
Where necessary, the CEO submits resolutions to the shareholder or the Supervisory Board for approval. In addition, the CEO is responsible for ensuring a properly functioning internal risk management and control system.