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Neptune Energy, ExxonMobil, Rosewood and EBN to cooperate on L10 Carbon Capture and Storage

Neptune Energy, ExxonMobil subsidiary XTO Netherlands, Ltd., Rosewood Exploration Ltd., and EBN Capital...

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Energie Beheer Nederland: progress and profit in 2021

2021 was a positive year for Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) in two respects. It made further progress...

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Rotterdam companies and Porthos sign contracts for transport and storage of CO2

Air Liquide, Air Products, ExxonMobil and Shell signed the final contracts with Porthos for the transport...

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Athos-project ends after Tata Steel decision

In recent years the Athos-Project worked in close cooperation with its founding partners EBN, Gasunie,...

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Biggest Dutch project for CO2 reduction, Porthos, is on schedule

Porthos, the project for CO2 capture and storage in Rotterdam, is on schedule to store an annual amount...

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Porthos and companies press ahead with CCS system

In the coming period, Porthos will continue to work together with four companies on preparations for...

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