An evaluation of the basin architecture and dynamics during the deposition of the Zechstein, Late Permian
MSc thesis by former intern Eline Wijnen
During her internship at EBN to finalise her study and acquire her MSc grade author Eline Wijnen has carried out a quantitative analysis of the Zechstein evaporite deposits. This with the underlying goal to improve our understanding of the basin architecture and dynamics of the Southern Permian Basin during the deposition of the Zechstein and more specifically, to further apprehend the possible causes for the observed cyclicity, the variations in thickness and distribution of the Zechstein sediments, the internal facies stacking patterns and the type of basin in which the Zechstein has been deposited. It can be concluded that during the Zechstein period there must have been a constant connection to a marine realm incorporating a continuous water-flux in and out of the basin. The cyclicity observed within the Zechstein deposits can be explained by variations in subsidence and the isostatic balance, to which the delayed isostatic subsidence of the halite contributes significantly. A shallower water-shallow basin model seems to best explain the basin architecture in which the Zechstein sediments were deposited.